This week is Teacher Appreciation Week at our school. I 'm room mom with another mom and we have the BEST teacher ever. I'm sure I have bragged about her before. She also taught my son 2nd too........5 years ago!!!! Anyway we have been putting some fun stuff together for her: Monday was The Queen Ocelot crown and wand - i know her well and knew she would be a good sport and where her Crown, and she did!!! Today we gave her Hydrangeas - her favorite flower. Wednesday will be a jar full of DARK chocolate also one of her favs. Thursday i scrapped a cute picture for her it reads "Thank you for teaching us to shine!" Friday we are giving her a Nordy's gift cert. and a BJ's gift cert.
I know she would be happy with anything but we put a little extra out for her. She is so awesome and goes above and beyond. Sometimes i will pass the school after 6 at night and see her car still in the school parking lot. She is so devoted to our kids and we want her to know how much we appreciate all she does. So, a little reminder if you haven't already.....thank you teacher, even a simple card will let them know that they are appreciated.