Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Happy Mom............

Today was so fun. I woke up and the kids had breakfast made for me (hubby had to work) coffee and peanut butter toast - my fav. ( I'm so lucky my son can make my coffee of the perks for having a pre-teen!!!)

As I walk into the living room i was surprised by hubby has been wanting to get me one for so long. I talked him out of getting me the expensive kind last year when we were talking about it.......I just want to cruise on the beach or bike trails with the kids........not race up and down mountains!!!! OK, so i do have a confession - last night i was told NOT to go in the garage - i do not snoop, i love surprises - but i was up late, i just couldn't get to sleep after coming home from the airport and before bed would you believe i forgot and went out to the garage to grab a water...........oops - there was my cool bike - of course the kids don't know, i put on a good show this morning!!!

Then i opened the sweetest present of all...........Brooke made me this in school. It is a picture of me (doesn't it look just like me) and a poem of sorts about her mom "me" reads:

Kind, helpful, beautiful
Wishes to go to Hawaii
Dreams of roses
Wants to be a professional scrapbooker
Who wonders about my tests
Who is afraid of rats
Who likes reading
Who Believes in God
Who loves me

Is that the sweetest thing or what my heart just melts when i read that........she knows her mommy well!!!!!!! I will cherish this always!!!! I am so blessed to have my children even when they are driving me insane i love them to no end!!! I hope your mother's day was full of blessings too.

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