Monday, September 29, 2008

a work in progress.....

Well, this was the perfect morning to stay home and clean!! I love this weather....thunder showers are so cool. Oh, but i did squeeze in my walk before it started to rain again........i was so happy - just felt like getting outside instead of on the treadmill.
Anyway.......just an update on my scrap space. Got the cleaning out of the way now for the fun part - ORGANIZING!! So far i've bought a couple of paper storage boxes.....haven't tackled the paper yet but i now know how i want to set it up: i think i like Jennifer P.'s style. Organize by color..........i've tried theme, i've tried vendor and of course the "just throw it all together" way - not working for me ~ so by color it is........Thanks Jennifer and to all my scrappy friends that gave me advice and a little push............Michelle - you always give me a challenge; i love it!!!!

Oh, and Saturday Brooke and I along with my SIL & niece went to see this live at the Honda Center.........very cool. Then last night my guys went wouldn't catch me anywhere near that place!!! OK - back to work!!!!!!!!


erika said...

It is looking good...I like the color organization, but it takes so much time to get it done.

echowein said...

I love your workspace! I'm going to use it as my inspiration for my own! We move shortly and I'll finally get my open room~well I have to share with the kids toys!