Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I've been tagged.......... friend Michelle tagged me so i will now reveal 7 random facts about ME:

1. I was in the opening and closing ceremonies of the 1984 Olympics!!!!
2. For my 16th birthday i got a pink VW and never learned to drive it!!!!
3. I eat peanut butter toast with my coffee every morning!!!!
4. I play solitaire on my PDA every night to put me to sleep!!!
5. I've lived in Orange County all my life except for the 6 months we lived in Oklahoma.
6. I wear flip flops 365 days a year .
7. I love to get up in the morning before anyone else and read - my quiet time!!

There you go...........7 random facts about me. Now off to enjoy our last day of summer - school starts tomorrow in this house...............YIKES - where did the summer go?????
Hope your day is a happy one!!!!

1 comment:

erika said...

I 'think' thats you towards the end of the video.