Saturday, May 17, 2008

Friday Fun Scrappin'..........

Well, last night I actually made it to the store for some Friday night scrappin'. It was a perfect night - a lot of my scrappy friends were there too............Heather, Anne, Erika and even Michelle got to play in between helping customers. Fun night ladies.........hope to do it again real soon!!! OK, it's no surprise -but i didn't get a whole lot done. Besides the fact that i can take MANY hours on a layout (working on that issue) we were chatting and i also made the Starbucks run - so there!!!! Got the page done for the Little League year book............the girls were teasing me cuz, well it's not your average layout. I had little space to put lots of in hopes that i got at least one of every player on there. Then i finished a couple others (i'll share later)..............still have some journaling to do but most of it is done!!! So, Thanks girls for a fun night! Now, to put on a birthday BBQ for my hubby and dear friend Sonja who, i might add, are both turning "40" tomorrow........hee hee!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Spencer and Sonia!

I haqd fun last night too!