Sunday, November 2, 2008

a hard loss............

Well, last night was my son's last official game with Pop Warner football. For 4 years we've been a dedicated football family. Football 24/7 from August to November and we love it!!! I can't believe it's over and to end it like this was so hard. These boys had only lost one game this season making it into the play-offs and on their way to another shoot at the Orange Bowl. We played Yorba Linda - a tough team (the team we had our only loss too) but the boys were ready to win this the beginning of the game, maybe the 2nd play our quarterback dislocated his shoulder.......out for the rest of the game. Total worse case scenario..........not one that we were quite prepared for either. Our backup QB came in and did a great job..............but Yorba Linda played hard and with the loss of our first string QB we were unable to get the win. Watching these boys - crushed with tears coming heart just broke. They had a great season and should be proud but it was a hard loss!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

poor tyler!!! i know how much you all wanted to go to the orange bowl!